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Art that extends from visual and media arts to dance and music
I have a strong love for making things. Everything from tonight's dinner to (parts of) tomorrow's outfit and everything in between. I don't classify myself as a specific type of artist or identify with a certain style because I don't see it as reasonable. There's way too much variation in my work for me to associate with any kind of uniformity. I'd like to think of all my work as a direct reflection of myself in one way or another. My work is just simply me doing me. And although I like to please people with my work, make someone happy or get a smile from somebody as they see a piece I've done, at the end of the day it comes down to whether or not I have fulfilled my expectations for myself as an artist. But when I don't, I see it as motivation for me to work harder.
There's no such thing as a self-taught artist unless you have been shrouded from the world around you.
I want to see everything. Show me the world. As I age, I want to become more cultured and educated about pretty much everything. I don't want to know a lot about one thing but a little about all things. In my long-term future I see many adventures that are still unknown to me right now. As for right now, I want to continue to learn and grow in everything I do and hope to do so for my entire life.
Proud Pacific Islander
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