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Rite and shoot, shoot and ride, been done so long I almost died.
Mostly news photography and writing, although I did paint lines at gas stations once (can you believe it) and I dug ditches for a while. I was really good at that.
Private and public schools, the public part coming (much to my relief) when the private one asked me to please leave. That was a great moment, slightly scary at the time, but liberating, let me tell ya. Also, a sprinkling of college.
None, but the thought is intriguing. We'll have tequila served in old film containers at the opening. Regrets only.
To make it to the end... and then some.
I am a member of the Connecticut Motorcycle Riders Association, formed on the premise that people can decide for themselves whether they want to wear a helmet. So I guess that makes me a libertarian. Quit telling me what's good for me and stop trying to make me do it.
Rich Messina 12 years ago
I highly endorse Rick for a photo shoot, a writing gig, or a lawn sculpture. Hell, I've never seen his ditch digging skills, but I'd bet it was one great and unique hole. Best of the best.